티스토리 뷰

WEB 전체

Entity Code

minov 2011. 10. 17. 10:59

Hex Code Entity Code Number Code Character Description
" " " Quotation Mark
& & & Ampersand
⁄ / / Slash
&lt; &#60; < Less Than Sign
&gt; &#62; > Greater Than Sign
&sbquo; &#130; ? Single Low-9 Quote
&bdquo; &#132; ? Double Low-9 Quote
&#x2020; &dagger; &#134; Dagger
&Dagger; &#135; Double Dagger
&permil; &#137; Per Mill Sign
&lsaquo; &#139; ? Single Left Angle Quote
&lsquo; &#145; Left Single Quote
&rsquo; &#146; Right Single Quote
&ldquo; &#147; Left Double Quote
&rdquo; &#148; Right Double Quote
&trade; &#153; Trademark Symbol
&rsaquo; &#155; ? Single Right Angle Quote
&#xA0; &nbsp; &#160; Non Breaking Space
&#xA1; &iexcl; &#161; ¡ Inverted Exclamation Point
&#xA2; &cent; &#162; ? Cent Sign
&#xA3; &pound; &#163; ? Pound Sterling
&#xA4; &curren; &#164; ¤ General Currency Sign
&#xA5; &yen; &#165; ? Yen Sign
&#xA6; &brvbar; &#166; ? Broken Vertical Bar
&#xA7; &sect; &#167; § Section Sign
&#xA8; &uml; &#168; ¨ Umlaut (Dieresis)
&#xA9; &copy; &#169; ? Copyright Symbol
&#xAA; &ordf; &#170; ª Feminine Ordinal
&#xAB; &laquo; &#171; ? Left Angle Quote, Left Guillemet
&#xAC; &not; &#172; ? Not Sign
&#xAD; &shy; &#173; ­ Soft Hyphen
&#xAE; &reg; &#174; ? Registered Trademark
&#xAF; &macr; &#175; ? Macron, Overline
&#xB0; &deg; &#176; ° Degree Sign
&#xB1; &plusmn; &#177; ± Plus or Minus
&#xB2; &sup2; &#178; ² Superscript Two
&#xB3; &sup3; &#179; ³ Superscript Three
&#xB4; &acute; &#180; ´ Acute Accent
&#xB5; &micro; &#181; ? Micro Symbol
&#xB6; &para; &#182; Paragraph Symbol
&#xB7; &middot; &#183; · Middle Dot
&#xB8; &cedil; &#184; ¸ Cedilla
&#xB9; &sup1; &#185; ¹ Superscript One
&#xBA; &ordm; &#186; º Masculine Ordinal
&#xBB; &raquo; &#187; ? Right Angle Quote, Right Guillemet
&#xBC; &frac14; &#188; ¼ One Fourth Fraction
&#xBD; &frac12; &#189; ½ One Half Fraction
&#xBE; &frac34; &#190; ¾ Three Forths Fraction
&#xBF; &iquest; &#191; ¿ Inverted Question Mark
&#xC0; &Agrave; &#192; ? Capital A with Grave Accent
&#xC1; &Aacute; &#193; ? Capital A with Acute Accent
&#xC2; &Acirc; &#194; ? Capital A with Circumflex Accent
&#xC3; &Atilde; &#195; ? Capital A with Tilde
&#xC4; &Auml; &#196; ? Capital A with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xC5; &Aring; &#197; ? Capital A with Ring
&#xC6; &AElig; &#198; Æ Capital AE Dipthong
&#xC7; &Ccedil; &#199; ? Capital C with Cedilla
&#xC8; &Egrave; &#200; ? Capital E with Grave Accent
&#xC9; &Eacute; &#201; ? Capital E with Acute Accent
&#xCA; &Ecirc; &#202; ? Capital E with Circumflex Accent
&#xCB; &Euml; &#203; ? Capital E with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xCC; &Igrave; &#204; ? Capital I with Grave Accent
&#xCD; &Iacute; &#205; ? Capital I with Acute Accent
&#xCE; &Icirc; &#206; ? Capital I with Circumflex Accent
&#xCF; &Iuml; &#207; ? Capital I with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xD0; &ETH; &#208; Ð Capital Eth
&#xD1; &Ntilde; &#209; ? Capital N with Tilde
&#xD2; &Ograve; &#210; ? Capital O with Grave Accent
&#xD3; &Oacute; &#211; ? Capital O with Acute Accent
&#xD4; &Ocirc; &#212; ? Capital O with Circumflex Accent
&#xD5; &Otilde; &#213; ? Capital O with Tilde
&#xD6; &Ouml; &#214; ? Capital O with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xD7; &times; &#215; × Multiplication Sign
&#xD8; &Oslash; &#216; Ø Capital O with a Slash
&#xD9; &Ugrave; &#217; ? Capital U with Grave Accent
&#xDA; &Uacute; &#218; ? Capital U with Acute Accent
&#xDB; &Ucirc; &#219; ? Capital U with Circumflex Accent
&#xDC; &Uuml; &#220; ? Capital U with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xDD; &Yacute; &#221; ? Capital Ywith Acute Accent
&#xDE; &THORN; &#222; Þ Capital Thorn
&#xDF; &szlig; &#223; ß Small Sharp s
&#xE0; &agrave; &#224; ? Small a with Grave Accent
&#xE1; &aacute; &#225; ? Small a with Acute Accent
&#xE2; &acirc; &#226; ? Small a with Circumflex Accent
&#xE3; &atilde; &#227; ? Small a with Tilde
&#xE4; &auml; &#228; ? Small a with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xE5; &aring; &#229; ? Small a with Ring
&#xE6; &aelig; &#230; æ Small ae Dipthong
&#xE7; &ccedil; &#231; ? Small c with Cedilla
&#xE8; &egrave; &#232; ? Small e with Grave Accent
&#xE9; &eacute; &#233; ? Small e with Acute Accent
&#xEA; &ecirc; &#234; ? Small e with Circumflex Accent
&#xEB; &euml; &#235; ? Small e with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xEC; &igrave; &#236; ? Small i with Grave Accent
&#xED; &iacute; &#237; ? Small i with Acute Accent
&#xEE; &icirc; &#238; ? Small i with Circumflex Accent
&#xEF; &iuml; &#239; ? Small i with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xF0; &eth; &#240; ð Small eth
&#xF1; &ntilde; &#241; ? Small n with Tilde
&#xF2; &ograve; &#242; ? Small o with Grave Accent
&#xF3; &oacute; &#243; ? Small o with Acute Accent
&#xF4; &ocirc; &#244; ? Small o with Circumflex Accent
&#xF5; &otilde; &#245; ? Small o with Tilde
&#xF6; &ouml; &#246; ? Small o with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xF7; &divide; &#247; ÷ Division Sign
&#xF8; &oslash; &#248; ø Small o with a Slash
&#xF9; &ugrave; &#249; ? Small u with Grave Accent
&#xFA; &uacute; &#250; ? Small u with Acute Accent
&#xFB; &ucirc; &#251; ? Small u with Circumflex Accent
&#xFC; &uuml; &#252; ? Small u with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#xFD; &yacute; &#253; ? Small y with Acute Accent
&#xFE; &thorn; &#254; þ Small Thorn
&#xFF; &yuml; &#255; ? Small y with Dieresis/Umlaut
&#x0192; &fnof; &#402; ? Small f with hook
&#x0391; &Alpha; &#913; Α Greek Capital Letter Alpha
&#x0392; &Beta; &#914; Β Greek Capital Letter Beta
&#x0393; &Gamma; &#915; Γ Greek Capital Letter Gamma
&#x0394; &Delta; &#916; Δ Greek Capiral Letter Delta
&#x0395; &Epsilon; &#917; Ε Greek Capital Letter Epsilon
&#x0396; &Zeta; &#918; Ζ Greek Capital Letter Zeta
&#x0397; &Eta; &#919; Η Greek Capital Letter Eta
&#x0398; &Theta; &#920; Θ Greek Capital Letter Theta
&#x0399; &Iota; &#921; Ι Greek Capital Letter Iota
&#x039A; &Kappa; &#922; Κ Greek Capital Letter Kappa
&#x039B; &Lambda; &#923; Λ Greek Capital Letter Lambda
&#x039C; &Mu; &#924; Μ Greek Capital Letter Mu
&#x039D; &Nu; &#925; Ν Greek Capital Letter Nu
&#x039E; &Xi; &#926; Ξ Greek Capital Letter Xi
&#x039F; &Omicron; &#927; Ο Greek Capital Letter Omicron
&#x03A0; &Pi; &#928; Π Greek Capital Letter Pi
&#x03A1; &Rho; &#929; Ρ Greek Capital Letter Rho
&#x03A3; &Sigma; &#931; Σ Greek Capiral Letter Sigma
&#x03A3; &Tau; &#932; Τ Greek Capital Letter Tau
&Upsilon; &#933; Υ Greek Capital Letter Upsilon
&Phi; &#934; Φ Greek Capital Letter Phi
&Chi; &#935; Χ Greek Capital Letter Chi
&Psi; &#936; Ψ Greek Capital Letter Psi
&Omega; &#937; Ω Greek Capital Letter Omega
&alpha; &#945; α Greek Small Letter Alpha
&beta; &#946; β Greek Small Letter Beta
&gamma; &#947; γ Greek Small Letter Gamma
&delta; &#948; δ Greek Small Letter Delta
&epsilon; &#949; ε Greek Small Letter Epsilon
&zeta; &#950; ζ Greek Small Letter Zeta
&eta; &#951; η Greek Small Letter Eta
&theta; &#952; θ Greek Small Letter Theta
&iota; &#953; ι Greek Small Letter Iota
&kappa; &#954; κ Greek Small Letter Kappa
&lambda; &#955; λ Greek Small Letter Lambda
&mu; &#956; μ Greek Small Letter Mu
&nu; &#957; ν Greek Small Letter Nu
&xi; &#958; ξ Greek Small Letter Xi
&omicron; &#959; ο Greek Small Letter Omicron
&pi; &#960; π Greek Small Letter Pi
&rho; &#961; ρ Greek Small Letter Rho
&sigmaf; &#962; ? Greek Small Letter Final Sigma
&sigma; &#963; σ Greek Small Letter Sigma
&tau; &#964; τ Greek Small Letter Tau
&upsilon; &#965; υ Greek Small Letter Upsilon
&phi; &#966; φ Greek Small Letter Phi
&chi; &#967; χ Greek Small Letter Chi
&psi; &#968; ψ Greek Small Letter Psi
&omega; &#969; ω Greek Small Letter Omega
&thetasym; &#977; ? Greek Small Letter Theta Symbol
&upsih; &#978; ? Greek Upsilon with Hook Symbol
&piv; &#982; ? Greek pi Symbol
&bull; &#8226; ? Bullet / Black Small Circle
&hellip; &#8230; Horizontal Ellipsis
&prime; &#8242; Prime / Minutes / Feet
&Prime; &#8243; Double Prime / Seconds / Inches
&oline; &#8254; ? Overline
&image; &#8465; ? Blackletter Capital I / Imaginary Part
&weierp; &#8472; ? Script Capital P / Power Set
&real; &#8476; ? Blackletter Capital R / Real Part Symbol
&alefsym; &#8501; ? Alef Symbol / First Transfinite Cardinal
&larr; &#8592; Left Arrow
&uarr; &#8593; Up Arrow
&rarr; &#8594; Right Arrow
&darr; &#8595; Down Arrow
&harr; &#8596; Left-Right Arrow
&crarr; &#8629; ? Carrige Return / Downward Left Arrow
&lArr; &#8656; ? Double Left Arrow
&uArr; &#8657; ? Double Up Arrow
&rArr; &#8658; Double Right Arrow
&dArr; &#8659; ? Double Down Arrow
&hArr; &#8660; Double Left-Right Arrow
&forall; &#8704; For All
&part; &#8706; Partial Differential
&exist; &#8707; There Exists
&empty; &#8709; ? Empty Set
&nabla; &#8711; Nabla / Backwards Difference
&isin; &#8712; Element Of
&notin; &#8713; ? Not An Element of
&ni; &#8715; Contains As Member
&prod; &#8719; Product Sign
&sum; &#8721; Sumation
&minus; &#8722; ? Minus Sign
&lowast; &#8727; ? Asterisk Operator
&radic; &#8730; Square Root / Radical Sign
&prop; &#8733; Proportional To
&infin; &#8734; Infinity
&ang; &#8736; Angle
&and; &#8743; Logical And / Wedge
&or; &#8744; Logical Or / Vee
&cap; &#8745; Inersection / Cap
&cup; &#8746; Union / Cup
&int; &#8747; Integral
&there4; &#8756; Therefore
&sim; &#8764; Tilde Operator / Similar To / Varies With
&cong; &#8773; ? Approximately Equal To
&asymp; &#8776; ? Almost Equal To / Asymptotic To
&ne; &#8800; Not Equal To
&equiv; &#8801; Identical To
&le; &#8804; Less Than or Equal To
&ge; &#8805; Greater Than or Equal To
&sub; &#8834; Subset Of
&sup; &#8835; Superset Of
&nsub; &#8836; ? Not A Subset Of
&sube; &#8838; Subset Of Or Equal To
&supe; &#8839; Superset Of Or Equal To
&oplus; &#8853; ? Circled Plus / Direct Sum
&otimes; &#8855; ? Circled Times / Vector Product
&perp; &#8869; Up Tack / Orthogonal To / Perpendicular
&sdot; &#8901; ? Dot Operator
&lceil; &#8968; ? Left Ceiling / Apl Upstile
&rceil; &#8969; ? Right Ceiling
&lfloor; &#8970; ? Left Floor / Apl Downstile
&rfloor; &#8971; ? Right Floor
&lang; &#9001; ? Left-Pointing Angle Bracket / Bra
&rang; &#9002; ? Right-Pointing Angle Bracket / Ket
&loz; &#9674; ? Lozenge
&spades; &#9824; Black Spade Suit
&clubs; &#9827; Black Club Suit
&hearts; &#9829; Black Heart Suit
&diams; &#9830; ? Black Diamond Suit

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